
Hello there, My name is Gabriel. I've been a licensed massage therapist since January of 2017. Because of who I was as a person I never thought I would be involved with healing bodywork but since the day I took the leap I've only developed more of a love and passion for what I do. Serving my clients has brought a great deal of fulfillment and my desire is to spread whatever love I can and help my clients' lives be a little more fulfilled as well. My style of bodywork naturally leans more toward deep tissue/ injury/sports; however I studied 13 massage modalities and can adapt to many situations to provide my client the particular care they need. When not working I’m usually doing something random but my favorite things are tattoos, drawing, video games, bugs, and anything involving nature .

Sean Dial

I focus on the body and mind in a holsitic manner to ensure optimized functioning through the reduction of pain and stress.

David McHattie

I have been practicing for 32 years. I focus on a three-dimensional massage to open up body on all levels to improve structural posture and movement.

Dina Harris Israngkura

I'm Dina Harris and I've been a massage therapist for the past 15 years. To me massage promotes mental alertness, improves circulation, muscles relaxation and joint mobilization, and lastly to remind the body of it natural ability to heal itself and massage is about adding to the quality of one's life. As my daughter is leaving for college in August my availability will change for more openings coming soon.

I have availability on Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's and Thursday's ending at 3:30 every day.
Aurora, centennial, parker, greenwood village, and green valley ranch are the areas I serve.